"Heresy Hunting Is A Biblical Requirement" by Anthony Wade

"If we are not hunting for heresy then heresy is hunting for us."
Article: Heresy Hunting Is A Biblical Requirement | 828 Ministries

Heresy hunter is a term Paul Crouch stole from the righteous, I’m stealing it back. The late false teacher Crouch once famously quipped on his heretical television show a warning against those he dubbed, “heresy hunters.” To Crouch, anyone who questioned him using the Bible fit this category. If you believe in sound doctrine and insist that those who espouse Christ do the same, then you must be one of these heresy hunters. The damage done by this oft repeated accusation remains until this day. It is still a phrase repeated by false teachers. Just this week I saw the term used in two different articles by two different heretics. Other false teachers have taken this to new levels. Perry Noble, who tried to rewrite the Ten Commandments this year, called those in the church that want to “go deeper” into the Word jackasses. In a sermon. Bill Johnson of the other-worldly heretical Bethel Church claims people more concerned with the Word than experience are the modern day legalists.
— Anthony Wade | 8/13/2015 | 828 Ministries |

Steven Kozar started The Messed Up Church; he is an artist (StevenKozar.com is his art website), musician, blogger, and stuff. He makes videos, too, on The Messed Up Church YouTube channel.