The Messed Up Church

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"Hit the Bar" Episode 49: Sarah Jakes Roberts says: "We Are Divine!"

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If EVER I heard such unbiblical renderings ... here they come! This post only addresses a couple issues, the video is loaded with blasphemous use of the Word of God.

From "Hit the Bar" Episode 49: Sarah Jakes Roberts says: "We Are Divine!"

I do not think I have ever heard so much psychobabble interjected into God’s Word … I was literally STUNNED! If I had not already been laying down, I would have (at least inside of my heart and mind) fallen down!

Listening to this, what can I say? It’s just gar-bage. I am heartbroken that someone, anyone, can take God’s Word-and I am more heartbroken over those who have taken this junk in- thinking it’s really what God said. Oh, isn’t that what Satan, by way of the Serpent, said to Eve? “Didn’t God say?” And notice Eve’s replies, then look into Genesis 2. See the things she added.

Roberts puts a whole-nuther spin on Eve … and divinity.

Somehow the speaker in this video has decided there is another meaning to this and more.

Now, some people would claim, “NO! She HEARS from God.” But if you take what she says is the Word of God, look it up for yourself, and stay in context, you ought to be able to see there is no way what she says is from God.

Location 12:18 Roberts starts with Luke 8:47-48. She did not begin at the beginning of this account. Luke 8:43-48 is about a woman who had a hemorrhage for twelve years and could not be healed by anyone. In those days, based on the Law, a woman with an issue of blood would have been treated as unclean and not allowed to be sociable, much less in a crowd. She actually got close in on the crowded scene and touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and the hemorrhage stopped immediately. It’s a deeply moving account. I hope you will turn to the Scriptures and read it for yourself.

Location 12:42 Roberts pulls some things out of the account of the young girl who died but does not do so scripturally. Nowhere is there a basis for what she is claiming to be true. (See Luke 8:49-56).

Location 14:06 Roberts states “because we must hear from you we’re trying to tap into our divinity when humanity tells us that … put down our walls … we came because we must hear from you. We’re trying to tap into our divinity when humanity tells us that we’re less than God. We are divine. We believe that we are fearfully and … who’s divine, we are divine …” (Autogenerated transcript.)

Please note 1 John 2:15-17 below about ‘the flesh’ or our humanity.

No. We are not divine. God is.

Dropping in on Isaiah 14:11-15 (but there is more to read than just that). These verses are about Satan. Note the “I will” statements.

Here is another set of verses to be considered, but don’t just read this portion, keep reading for yourself in this chapter:

If you do not believe the things I am writing, which Steve and Paulette are talking about, go to the video and get the transcript, print it out and take it apart with a good translation of the Bible. Check these things out for yourself.

In today’s world, so much has already been twisted - if you are old enough to remember when things were different - how rewards were truly given to those who could and did succeed or exceed - not to just everyone to make them feel better. How morals were based on the Bible and how people really do have something placed in their hearts and all around them to cause them to see and hopefully believe in God. (Romans 1:18-32 and what happens when they don’t.) I don’t mean God is in everything. No. God created everything. We’ve descended into a rabbit hole of make-believe where almost everything in society and especially God is concerned; where we believe just about anything, never check it out, and try to make everyone feel good about espousing evil lies. This is extremely dangerous ground. Worth every bit of checking things out for yourself.

About that divine thing Roberts tried to include. Go to 2 Peter 1:

There are three verses which came up in my NASB95 search for “a little lower”. These are about Jesus Christ. He came down from heaven as God+Man in order to save the world from God’s wrath as the penalty for not believing in Him so as to be saved. (John 3:1-21)

WHAT makes people think they are God(s)?!

Now, I am going to place a quote, the which I am not happy about the source, but it makes a whole lot of sense. Are you ready?

For those who think it's mean, judgmental, and un-loving to criticize popular teachers/churches, here's something just for you: Shocking Stuff You're Not Supposed to Know.

If you're having a knee-jerk reaction to try and defend this man's ideas, check out: Confirmation Bias: Why You Are Protecting Your False Beliefs.

Here's a very extensive documentary exposing the problems with the "Seeker-Friendly" church model: Church of Tares: Purpose Driven, Seeker Sensitive

Finally, here's an article that will help you be more discerning and a lot less gullible: Defusing Demonic Dirty Bombs

Stop being so gullible!

Be sure to check out all of the other Cornucopias on The Messed Up Church.