"Leviathan Spirit"-Biting Satire Aimed at LeClaire's "Sneaky Squid" Fails to Hit Target

"Leviathan Spirit"-Biting Satire Aimed at LeClaire's "Sneaky Squid" Fails to Hit Target

Satirical writer, R. Loren Sandford, has tried to grab people's attention with another over-the-top article at CharismaMag.com, and this time he's set his sights on the writings of fellow Charisma writer (and former Senior Editor), Jennifer LeClaire. Unfortunately, it appears the gullible readers of this online magazine have failed to see the biting humor, and might actually believe this to be useful information:

Block the Leviathan Spirit's Deadly Attacks With This Spiritual Insight

Sandford begins his article by saying this:

"Recently, at a national level, as well as in the church, we have suffered an attack of the Leviathan spirit. Before you get too mystical about all that, understand that Leviathan is a metaphorical reference Scripture draws from the image of a great serpentine sea creature. It describes a spirit that works to twist words and perceptions in order to disrupt and destroy the people of God."

Being the clever writer that he is, Sandford then goes on to disprove his previous paragraph, by showing that the few Bible passages that even mention Leviathan at all make no claims about it being a dangerous spirit-being. 

In his provocative prose, (surely intended as a literary jab at LeClaire) Sandford begins to write about Leviathan as a metaphorical device and then gradually confuses the reader by turning it into an actual being-exactly the kind of mystical mumbo-jumbo that Jennifer LeClaire propagates! Check out these crazy quotes from Sandford:

  • "In recent days, Leviathan has been at work in the body of Christ, as well as in the realm of government and society."

  • "Incredibly difficult to dislodge, Leviathan feeds on pride, the assertion, first, that we are "right" in our perceptions and judgments and, second, that we are so holy, loving and in touch with God as to be immune to its influence."

  • "Let us reject this poisonous, twisting serpent, pray it out of our lives and fellowships and stand on the principles of the kingdom of God in glory."

See how Sandford has demonstrated the total confusion that permeates the modern "prophetic" movement? It seems like every other article on CharismaMag.com is about some newly discovered demon, monster or secret "prophetic" something-or-other...

Sandford has written many of these silly and far-fetched articles in an attempt to show how far from Biblical Christianity these readers have strayed. Previous articles like "How to Discern Truth Amid a Sea of False Prophesies" and "Flood of Aberrant Doctrines Endangering True Faith" are bold, self-refuting satire articles intended to demonstrate the incoherence of having such articles alongside Charisma Magazine's constant flow of false prophets, misguided amateurs, and "Christian" fortune-tellers. 

Sadly, Sandford's clever use of satire was just too subtle, and it remains doubtful that CharismaMag.com readers will understand his intended meaning, which is this:

Charisma Magazine has abandoned Biblical Christianity in favor of publishing the vain imaginations of fallible people who spout nonsense in order to tickle itching ears and draw attention away from the true and unchanging Gospel message of Jesus Christ. 

That's a great message, so keep trying Mr. Sandford, and maybe next time you'll finally get through to these people!

Steven Kozar started The Messed Up Church; he is an artist (StevenKozar.com is his art website), musician, blogger, and stuff. He makes videos, too, on The Messed Up Church YouTube channel.