The Messed Up Church

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Heidi Baker and her Wacky Antics! (Twice the speed, twice the fun!)

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I was totally freaked out by the wicked sound of this and wondered how in the world was she doing that? Towards the end of the video, I finally paid full attention to the fact it was twice the speed.

This writer has seen some strange stuff in church services, way back in the 1970’s. I’ve seen rogue groups of people, offshoots of churches, and many other things. I was, however, so very shocked to come to realize how far off things had gotten since those days. That shock came about in 2019, including the realization that studies by women such as Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, etc., were not what I had thought they were.

I can say this, there is no counterfeit to that which does not exist; however, what we are seeing so very much of these days is truly counterfeit. Can you imagine Moses, David, Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, James, etc., carrying on like this? Surely David danced before the LORD and got his wife angry with him. (2 Samuel 6:12-15) But, even that has been misunderstood over the years; including what he was actually wearing.

These things grieve my heart very much because I have traversed some heavy-duty roads … including the time in my late teens when I had grown so weary of prayer meetings where everyone had a vision or had a dream; where demons were literally fooling the believers while the believers were thinking they were casting demons out of people. People were allowing themselves to be slain in the spirit . I had grown so weary of these things, with a whole bunch of other situations coming to a head, that I literally stood in front of the bifold doors of my small closet while I put on my track shoes (a bit of a rebellious footwear back in the day) and told God to ‘wait in the closet’ that I had to ‘go out in the world and find things out for myself’. I ended up with the wrong crowd and blowing my very testimony about God and Jesus Christ.

I have to wonder, in this very weird world of uncertainty, what are these churches doing to young people, adults, older folks … anyone involved. It reminds me of the words of Jesus as follows:

If one gets rooted in the Word of God, there will be the conviction (John 16:7-11) of what is right and wrong ; what is real and counterfeit. It’s rather much like being proficient in what you do. Are you a chef? A mechanic? A secretary? A homeschooling mom? A janitor? An attorney? A governor? One who installs widgets on devices (not digital but literal objects)? Whatever it is you do, if you are a believer in Christ, what you are doing with what He has given you is a big deal.

So, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck … it must be a duck. BUT what if it is a wolf in sheep’s clothing? (John 10:11-18)

NOTE: Where is being slain in the spirit in the Bible? Except for the account of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11) where it meant they dropped dead because they lied to the Holy Spirit, I don’t know of any such references. (See also Acts 4:32-37). Then there are the times when people fell prostrate at the feet of the Angel of The LORD or angels sent to them. But when a person is emptying their mind in order to be slain in the spirit … when we are to guard our hearts and minds at all times being sober because our adversary the Devil walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour?!! (I Peter 5:6-11) … to what exactly are we yielding?

We simply must weigh all things with the written Word of God, paying attention to CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT. You can be sure words mean something and a good translation is most necessary to do this.

More on Heidi Baker.