Hey Dr. Michael Brown, Your New Book is Already Useless!

Dr. Michael Brown has been very busy promoting his new book, even though it won't be released until April 3rd.

Here's an ad that is selling "signed and numbered" books:


Here's how this new book is described:


So, it sounds like Dr. Michael Brown is finally going to say something about the cesspool of false teachers in the Charismatic movement, doesn't it? Maybe he'll finally start calling out obvious frauds like Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland, huh? Maybe he's taken a few hours to listen to the incredibly popular new Charismatic superstar, Todd White, right?


Even though this book is already finished, he doesn't know what Kenneth Copeland teaches for sure. He has no idea what Todd White teaches.

Here's an article from last month that Dr. Brown pretends does not exist: Dr. Michael Brown, Here's Some Heresy Information For Your Upcoming Book. Brown claims that he disagrees with the Word of Faith teaching that Jesus went to Hell to fight off demons and become born again that he says Kenneth Copeland "used to teach..."

Here's a couple videos that many thousands of people have watched, but Dr. Brown pretends do not exist:

ATTENTION DR. BROWN: You've got absolute proof that Kenneth Copeland AND Todd White both teach this doctrine! And you expect people to buy your book so they can learn about doctrinal error in the Charismatic movement?

You either didn't bother to do much research on the topic of your already useless book, or worse, you are hiding doctrinal error within your own movement.

After Dr. Brown wrote another one of his "important books" about the hyper-grace movement, he had a meeting with the #1 Hyper-grace false teacher in the world: Joseph Prince. And he declared: "Joseph Prince is okay!" Here's an article about that train-wreck: Dr. Michael Brown Adopts a New Pet Wolf-Joseph Prince

In this most recent Line of Fire program Dr. Brown also said that he "abhors the carnal prosperity message." No, Dr. Brown, you do not. You are such a close friend to Sid Roth that you've not only been a guest many times, but you've even been a guest host on his idiotic, money-grubbing TV program. Here's a small compilation of the prosperity message from Sid Roth:

Steven Kozar started The Messed Up Church; he is an artist (StevenKozar.com is his art website), musician, blogger, and stuff. He makes videos, too, on The Messed Up Church YouTube channel.